

답변 기본적인 틀



Q5, Q6 번은 비교적 간단하게 한문장 또는 두문장으로 15초 내에 의문사에 대한 답변만 하면 된다.

Q7번은 보통 의견을 묻는 질문으로 결론과 근거를 30초 안에 답변을 해야한다.




1. 의견 묻기

자신의 입장을 결졍하고 그 이유를 설명하자


Would you recommend your hometown to your friends for sightseeing? Why?
당신의 고향을 친구들에게 관광지로 추천할건가요? 왜요?



1. 입장

I would recommend my hometown to my friends for sightseeing.



2. 이유 2가지

이유1        Because.. we can enjoy various outdoor activites. such as.. camping.
이유2        Also, there are many famous restaurants in my hometown
이유2+@   So, they can enjoy various local foods.



3. 마무리

Therefore, I would recommend my hometown to my friends for sightseeing.




2. 장단점 묻기

장점 혹은 단점 얘기해보자. 보통 단점을 생각하는것보다 장점을 생각해내는게 쉽긴함


What are the advantages of exercising at a fitness center?
피트니스 센터에서 운동을 하는 것의 장점은 무엇인가요?



1. 입장 (장단점은 There are some 으로 시작하자)

There are some advantages of exercising at a fitness center.



2. 장단점

장점1        First, we can use various exercise equipment. such as.. a treadmill(런닝머신)
장점2        Second, It is possible to learn exercise from an expert

답변 기본템플릿




3. 선호사항 묻기

선택지중 하나 골라서 그거 왜 골랐냐? 에 대한 답변


What is the best way to learn how to cook out of the following options?
- Learning from friends

- Participating in a cooking class
- Learning from a book



1. 입장 (I think 혹은 I prefer로 시작하자 )

I Think learning from friends is the best way to learn how to cook.



2. 이유 2가지

이유1        Because, I don't have to pay a lot of money for a book
이유2        Also, it is easier to ask question about cooking.
이유2+@   It's because we are close.



3. 마무리

Therefore, I think learning from friends is the best way to learn how to cook.





Q. Do you prefer drinking a beverage in a cafe or taking out the beverage? Why?



Q. Do you think high school students should take more online classes?



Q. What is the most important factor you would consider when you look for a job?

1. Location

2. Stability of the workplace

3. An opportunity to learn various work skills



Q. Where do you prefer to purchase clothes between the local clothing store and the online store?



Q. Where is a popular area for a vacation in your country?



Q. When you travel, do you prefer to go backpacking or take a package tour? Why?



Q. What do you prefer between a text message and a phone call when you contact your friends? Why?



Q. When you buy a new mobile phone, what is the most important factor out of the following options?

1. Screen size

2. Internet speed

3. Battery life



Q. Do you think e-books will replace paper books entirely in the future? Why or why not?



Q. Do you prefer watching movies alone or with your friends? Why?



Q. What are the important features you wuold consider when you choose a cafe?

1. A quiet atmosphere

2. Location

3. Business hours



Q. What are the advantages of going to a libary besides borrowing books?



Q. Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or cook food at home? Why?



Q. What improvements do you want from the banks in your city?



Q. What is the most important factor when you choose a fitness center?

1. Kind trainers

2. Operationg hours

3. Various exercise equipment



Q.  When you buy some snacks, which do you prefer more between a convenience store and a supermarket? Why?



Q. Are you satisfied with clothing stores nearby your home? Why or why not?



Q. Would you recommend your hometown to your friends for sightseeing? Why or why not?



Q. What do you prefer to use between a paper map and an electronic device when you travel? Why?



Q. Which of the following would you prefer the most when buying a mobile phone?

1. Batter life

2. Durability

3. Brand popularity



Q. What are the advantages of using an e-reader when you read?



Q. Do you think an online store is a good place for clothing shopping? Why or why not?




Q. What type of pulic transportation in your cirty do you think is the most convenient for traveling? Why?



Q. For Shopping, would you recommend the department stores in your city to your friends?



Q. When you give gifts to others, do you prefer to give cash or a specific item? Why?



Q. What activites do you recommand to build teamwork in the workplace? Why?



Q. Do you watch television more or less often now than you did in the past? why?



Q. In a new sweet shop opens in your area, what would influence your decision the most when you buy sweets there?

1. The flavors of sweets offered

2. The way the shop is decorated

3. A friend's recommendation



Q. Is there an area around your workplace or school that is good for a walk?



Q. What do you think is the most effective way to promote a hat brand?

1. TV

2. Radio

3. Internet



Q. Do you prefer to cook by yourself or with friends and family? Why?














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