TOEIC Speaking :: Part 3 (Q5-6)
Q. When was the last time you exercised and what kind of exercise did you do?
A. The last time I exercised was lastweekend and I played tennis with my friends.
Q. How many times have you traveled this year and where was your favorite place?
A. I have traveled twice this year and my favorite place was New Zealand.
* 시제 주의! was 로 답해야하는데 my favorite place is .... 라고 하면 안된다. 시제 유의
이런 식으로 대답하면 된다. Q5, Q6은 답변 15초동안 하면 된다.
When 의문사가 들렸다. How 라는 의문문이 들렸다. When 에는 어떤 내용이 나와야하고
How 라는 의문문에는 어떤 내용이 나와야하는지 한번 보자
1. When 의문문
구체적인 시간대를 답하자.
아래 예시들이 이것저것 있지만 너 언제 운동해? 할 때 음.. 가끔 아침에 하기도하고 퇴근하고 하기도 하고.. 일주일에 한번 하나?
이번주에는 잘 안갔는데.. 사실대로 생각하다가는 시간 다지나간다. 무조건 하나의 시간대는 툭 튀어나오게. 고정적인 시간대 생각해두기
When do you usally exercise?
I usally exercise +
In the morning.
around 7 A.M.
on weekends.
* after work.
(현재시제의 구체적인 시간대) When 언제니까
When was the last time you exercised?
The last time I exercised was +
last week.
two weeks ago.
* a month ago.
(과거시제의 구체적인 시간대) When 언제니까
(* 우리는 왠만하면 무조건 퇴근 후, 일주일에 한번 / 과거는 저번 달에 했었음 으로 고정해두자. )
2. How 의문문
How often ~ 너 얼마나 자주? 몇 번? 하니? 또는 How long ~ 너 얼마나 길게 ~ 하니?
How often do you travel by public transportation?
I travel by public transportation +
almost every day
once a day
* once a week
twice a week
How long do you travel by public transportation a day?
I travel by public transportation about 30 minutes a day
3. What 의문문 (★)
단순히 When 언제 How 빈도 를 묻는게 아니라 실제 뭐를 물어보는거니까
생각을 해서 답변해야한다. 동작이나 뭐를 했다.. 또는 뭐다. 라는걸 답해야하니까.
What do you usually do to exercise?
I usually play badminton to exercise.
What is the most important factor you look for when you select a fitness center?
The most important factor I look for is +
various exercise equipment. 여러 장비들
a convenient location. 편리한 위치
a lot of member. 많은 회원수
.. 등등
What 에 대한 신속한 답변 소재 생각! 나머지는 문제 갖다 쓰면 되니까.
4. Where 의문문
Where. 어디에서 뭘 하냐 겠지? 대표적으로 장소를 답할 수 있는걸 외워보자
Where do you usually study a foreign language?
I usually study a foreign language +
at home
at work
at school
at a library
at a language school
at a department store
on the internet
on the subway
on the bus
in my office
in a park
5. Do 의문문
질문에 대한 입장이 어떠하냐 답변하면 된다.
Do you think it is convenient to use public transportation in you town? why?
I think it is convenient to use public transportation in my town.
because there are many subway station and bus stops in my town. (why 대한 내 생각)
6. Who 의문문
누구와 뭘 함께 했냐 물어보는건데. 한명 고정시키자. 무조건 with my best friend. 무조건.
How often do you make a video call, and who do you usually use it with?
I make a video call about once a week and I usually use it with my best friend
7. Have you + p.p
경험 있는지 물어보는거. have you p.p 니까 답변도 p.p 로
Have you ever used public transportation in other contries?
I have used public transportation in other contries.
I took the subway in Japan last year. (과거니까 I take the subway 안된다)
유형1. 한 개의 의문사
하나만 물어본다. 그러면 하나만 답하면 너무.... 좀 그러니까 한문장을 더 해주자.
Where is your favorite cafe located?
My favorite cafe is located near my office. + (추가문장 하나 더)
1. 시간 : I usually go there in the evening.
2. 빈도 : I go there once a week.
3. 이유 : It's because It has great atmosphere.
4. 습관 : I usually study English there with my best friend. (하는일+장소+누구와 = 습관)
5. 구체적 : I usually drink some tea called 'English breakfast'
유형2. 두 개의 의문사
두 개의 의문사에 모두 답해주자.
How often do you visit parks and what do you usually do there?
I visit parks once a week and I usually take walk there
(2개의 의문사에 대한 답변 한거임. 끝.)
유형3. 이유를 추가로 묻는 질문
하나의 질문 물어보고 and Why? 이런거 맨 뒤에 붙는다. 이유를 설명해주자
If you wanted to go running, where would you go, and why?
I would go to a gym near my house.
It is because It has great facilites
Q. When was the last time you had a long-distance trip on a train?
Q. How often do you go to a shopping center?
Q. What food do you usally buy at a grocery store?
Q. Where do you get information about traveling?
Q. Do you perfer driving your own car or taking public transportation in your town? Why?
Q. What was the last elecronic product you bought and when did you buy it?
Q. How often do you check your email and when was the last time you cheked it?
Q. When was the last time you visited a museum and how long did you stay there?
Q. How many best friends do you have and how often do you see them?
Q. Do you recommend buying clothes online? Why?
Q. Are you willing to have lunch in a park? Why?
Q. Do you prefer to watch movies in 3D format? Why?
Q. Where do people in your area usually buy groceries? Why?
Q. Is it convenient to attend live perfomances in your city? Why?
Q. Are you interested in jogging in the evening? Why?
Q. What is the name of you hometown and do you still live there?
Q. What activites do you enjoy in your hometown?
Q. How often do you travel and what transportation do you usually use?
Q. When was last time you used an electronic device to find a route and what did you use?
Q. I need to buy a new mobile phone. Where do you usually buy a mobile phone?
Q. Which mobile phone is the most popular among your friends? Why?
Q. How often do you read books and what kind of books do you usually read?
Q. Where is you favorite place to read books? Why?
Q. When was the last time you purchased a shirt or a blouse and where did you buy it?
Q. Do you prefer to buy clothes from the same brand or try a new one?
Q. How can I get to the downtown area from the airport?
Q. Do you think it is easy for foreigeners to use public transportatione in your city?
Q. When was the last time you wnet to a department store and what did you do there?
Q. In your area, what do people usually buy at a department store?
Q. When was the last time you gave a gift to a friend or a family member and what was it for?
Q. Where is a good place to buy a gift in your city? Why?
Q. Do you usually watch television shows on a television or another kind of device? Why?
Q. How often do you go to a sweet shop? And how far is the closest one from your home?
Q. Are you satisfied with the itmes at your favorite sweet shop? Why?
Q. What is the most convenient way to get to your workplace or school? Why?
Q. What is the best place to eat lunch near your workplace or school? Why?
Q. When was the last time you discussed a movie with your family or friends and what did you discuss?
Q. Do you read movie revies before you choose a new movie? Why?
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